Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage

"It hurts because it matters" - John Green

It may feel like the world and everyone else has moved on, but this loss remains in your heart forever.

Every pregnancy matters. Every loss matters.

At all gestational periods, the loss of your pregnancy and your experience is valid.

Whether your loss was unexpected or a termination for medical reasons (TFMR), speaking to a counsellor could help to process the complexity of your emotions.

Every pregnancy is unique, so it makes sense that every loss is experienced differently by the bereaved mother, father or birthing person. Talking through your experience, your story, your sorrow and grief, is the first step to accepting your loss.

Life may never quite be the same again, but you can honour the changes within you and find joy once more. You'll never move on from the loss of a pregnancy, but with the right support you can move forward with your life.

My experience

I work with clients in my private practice who have experienced multiple miscarriages, TFMR or are experiencing fertility issues and embarking on IVF.

I have worked as a Cradle Counsellor supporting bereaved mothers and fathers who have experienced miscarriage and pregnancy loss. I now clinically support their online peer-support group, CONNECTED, for anyone who has experienced a pregnancy or baby loss at any gestation.

I am also a trustee of Cradle Charity. It is my passion to support organisations that promote the mental health and wellbeing of anyone suffering a pregnancy loss.

Outside of my private practice, I clinically lead the perinatal counselling service at Quaggy Community Counselling in Greenwich.

Prior to this I worked within a charity counselling service in the City of London, offering women therapy sessions after miscarriage or pregnancy loss.

My training

Most recently I have undertaken training with the leading baby loss charity, Petals, completing their specialist course in working therapeutically with both individuals and couples through perinatal loss, traumatic grief and anxiety in subsequent pregnancies after loss.

I am accredited with the Foundation for Infant Loss completing their training in pregnancy loss and subsequent pregnancies after miscarriage.

I have completed a number of CPDs in perinatal loss specific themes such as attachment theory, birth trauma, perinatal anxiety and depression, traumatic grief.

I have undertaken NHS training in bereavement pathways and have completed BACP accredited training in complex/complicated grief.

I am a Make Birth Better Champion supporting the campaign to provide more trauma-informed care for birthing people and their partners during childbirth.